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Symposium on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Konstantin Danielyan

The International Center for Professional Development (ICPD) is cognizant of its duty to honor those who made substantial contributions to advancement of healthcare and medical education in Armenia. The ICPD is proud to be the organizer of a Symposium on Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, dedicated to Professor Konstantin Danielyan, who chaired the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology of the National Institute of Health of Armenia since 1985 and contributed to the development of the field.

Many organizations in the world recently issued an urgent warning about mental health crisis among children and adolescents. In the USA it was declared to become a “national emergency” by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Children's Hospital Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Although the rates of mental health problems in youth have been rising steadily over the past decade, stress association with the coronavirus pandemic made the situation significantly more acute. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death for people between the ages of 10 and 24. The percentage of emergency department visits for mental health emergencies in the USA rose by 24% for children between the ages of 5 and 11 and 31% for those 12 to 17, compared with 2019. One in seven 10-19-year-olds in the world experiences a mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age group. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders has also been increasing worldwide partly due to improved early screening and diagnostic methods. The situation with mental health in youth has been critical in Armenia. Recent war with Azerbaijan had an enormous impact on emotional wellbeing of youth and their families. One of the main targets of the conference is to share the experience and expertise of our colleagues in this field. The knowledge obtained during this meeting will help us to provide more comprehensive and advanced help to youth with mental health disorders in Armenia.


Symposium Co-Chairs

Dr. Arman Danielyan, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP

Dr. Armen Soghoyan, MD, PhD, Armenian Psychiatric Association

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Antonio Y. Hardan, MD, Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford University, USA

Dr. Gabrielle A. Carlson, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA


Target audience: Psychiatrist, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, juvenile justice workers, pediatricians, developmental pediatricians, family doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, educators


Symposium Language

English with Armenian simultaneous translation


2 days, 4 hours per day

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Post-Event Report

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23-09-2022, 18:00 - 24-09-2022, 22:30

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Organizing/Scientific Committee

Dr. Arman Danielyan, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Arman Danielyan, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP, is board certified in Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He specializes in the evaluation and treatment of symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Autism and many other psychiatric conditions in youth and adults. Dr. Danielyan has significant clinical, academic and research backgrounds in the area of psychopharmacology (medication management) and psychotherapy of various psychiatric conditions. Dr. Danielyan participated as a co-investigator in several clinical trials, including his work as an independent evaluator in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS) – the largest controlled study of adolescent depression. He also co-authored book chapters in the Textbook of Pediatric Psychopharmacology and the Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – – the books that Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists use to diagnose and treat psychiatric problems when they afflict our children. Dr. Danielyan is a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

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Dr. Armen Soghoyan, MD, PhD

Psychiatry and Medical Psychology

Dr. Armen Soghoyan, MD, PhD, is a psychiatrist, Associate Professor of the Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU), editor in Chief of the ARMENIAN JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH. He is an honorary fellow of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), President of the Armenian Psychiatric Association, President of the Armenian Medical Association, Scientific Manager of the Psychosocial Recovery Center. He is a graduate from the Medical Department of Yerevan State Medical University, then residency at the YSMU Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. He worked at the Nork Republican Mental Health Center in Yerevan and at the Nubarashen Republican Psychiatric Hospital as a psychiatrist and Deputy Director . He was engaged in public activities in Yerevan Municipality as the Head of the Department of Health and Social Security. Dr. Soghoyan was the Head of the Licensing Agency of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, the Head of the Agency for Medical and Social Expertise, an expert of the WHO for elaboration of the National Mental Health Program of Kyrgyzstan. He has published more than 40 articles.

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Allen Azizian, PhD


Allen Azizian, PhD, received his PhD in Psychology from the State University of New York, Stony Brook. After postdoctoral fellowships at Scripps Research Institute and University of California, Los Angeles, he joined the faculty at University of Southern California as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology (non-tenure track). He then moved to Department of State Hospitals, Coalinga, CA where he worked in assessment, treatment, and administration, including serving as Chief of Psychology. He is presently an associate professor of criminology at California State University, Fresno. He has published frequently in scientific journals and presented in national and international conferences. He has received two Fulbright awards to teach and conduct research in Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia.

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Armenuhi Avagyan, PhD

Speech Therapy

Armenuhi Avagyan, PhD, Associate professor. She is a speech therapist, inclusive education expert, the Founder of ARMAV Continuous Education Center. She conducted her post-doctoral research as a Fulbright scholar at Appalachian State University (North Carolina, USA). Most recently she was a chief expert and trainer of the project «Developing Inclusive education teacher training and mentoring capacities''. She is the author of many articles, editor of books on inclusive education and co-author of Inclusive Education strategies textbook.

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Dr. Antonio Y. Hardan, MD

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Antonio Y. Hardan, MD, is a Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford University. He is the Carl Feinstein Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Stanford University. He is also the Director of the Autism and Developmental Disorders Clinic at Stanford Children’s Health. Dr. Hardan is a Board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist as well as a general psychiatrist with more than 20 years experience assessing and treating children and adults with developmental disorders including autism.
Dr. Hardan research expertise is in the neurobiology of autism and in the development of innovative treatment for individuals with developmental disorders. He served as a principal investigator on numerous projects examining the neurobiology of autism and assessing the effectiveness of a wide range of interventions. He is the recipient of several grants examining the efficacy of Pivotal Response Treatment in autism and the role of vasopressin in the social deficits of autism. He has completed several investigations that aim at increasing our understanding of the pathophysiology of individuals with developmental disorders while applying multimodal imaging techniques. He also has led several clinical trials examining the effectiveness of novel interventions such as N-Acetylcysteine and pivotal response group training in children with autism. Finally, Dr. Hardan has published more than 125 journal articles and has co-authored several book chapters in the field of developmental disorders and autism.

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Dr. Arman Danielyan, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Arman Danielyan, MD, FAPA, DFAACAP, is board certified in Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He specializes in the evaluation and treatment of symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Autism and many other psychiatric conditions in youth and adults. Dr. Danielyan has significant clinical, academic and research backgrounds in the area of psychopharmacology (medication management) and psychotherapy of various psychiatric conditions. Dr. Danielyan participated as a co-investigator in several clinical trials, including his work as an independent evaluator in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS) – the largest controlled study of adolescent depression. He also co-authored book chapters in the Textbook of Pediatric Psychopharmacology and the Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – – the books that Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists use to diagnose and treat psychiatric problems when they afflict our children. Dr. Danielyan is a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

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Dr. Armen Soghoyan, MD, PhD

Psychiatry and Medical Psychology

Dr. Armen Soghoyan, MD, PhD, is a psychiatrist, Associate Professor of the Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU), editor in Chief of the ARMENIAN JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH. He is an honorary fellow of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), President of the Armenian Psychiatric Association, President of the Armenian Medical Association, Scientific Manager of the Psychosocial Recovery Center. He is a graduate from the Medical Department of Yerevan State Medical University, then residency at the YSMU Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. He worked at the Nork Republican Mental Health Center in Yerevan and at the Nubarashen Republican Psychiatric Hospital as a psychiatrist and Deputy Director . He was engaged in public activities in Yerevan Municipality as the Head of the Department of Health and Social Security. Dr. Soghoyan was the Head of the Licensing Agency of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, the Head of the Agency for Medical and Social Expertise, an expert of the WHO for elaboration of the National Mental Health Program of Kyrgyzstan. He has published more than 40 articles.

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Dr. Bellinda Gosdanian, PhD


Dr. Bellinda Gosdanian is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Montreal since 2002. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from UC Irvine followed by master’s and PhD degrees in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in neuropsychology from the California School of Professional Psychology in Fresno. Dr. Gosdanian began her career teaching psychology at the California Community College, Reedley. Later, she worked at both California State University, Long Beach and the University of Maine, Orono as a clinical psychologist on campus. Dr. Gosdanian is an active member of the Quebec Psychology Board, Canadian Psychology Association, and the Jung Society of Montreal. She is also the vice president of the Armenian Medical Association of Quebec and is excited to be a part of the current movement towards mental health within Armenian communities around the world. Dr. Gosdanian is passionate about posttraumatic growth theory and wants to help this become integrated into mainstream Armenian society.

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Dr. Gabrielle A. Carlson, MD

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Gabrielle A. Carlson, M.D., has been professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at State University of New York at Stony Brook since 1985. She founded and directed the division until 2013. She did her undergraduate training at Wellesley College, obtained her MD degree from Cornell University Medical College. She did her psychiatry training at Washington University in St. Louis, the National Institute of Mental Health and UCLA where she subsequently taught on the faculty. Dr. Carlson specializes in childhood psychopathology in general, and the subjects of childhood and adolescent depression, bipolar disorder and irritability, in particular. She has written over 300 papers and chapters on those subjects. Her research interests include the phenomenology, long term follow up and treatment of young people with bipolar disorder, and the relationship between behavior disorders, like ADHD, developmental disorders and mood disorders. Dr. Carlson has won numerous awards in the US including those from the American Psychiatric Association for research in child and adolescent psychiatry and another for prevention. She was awarded the American Psychopathological Association’s: Zubin Award, for playing a fundamental role in psychopathology research. She is especially proud of the Virginia Q Anthony Outstanding Woman Leader Award given by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Carlson was Program Chair for four years for American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and is now its recent Past President of that organization. Her presidential initiative has been on emotion dysregulation in children.

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Dr. Irene Nigolian, MD

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Irene Nigolian, MD is a child and adolescent psychiatrist, graduate of the Medical School in Yerevan. Her internship was Research Institute of Neurology in Moscow. She practiced in Geriatric Psychiatry Service, General Pediatrics before graduation of Geneva Medical School in General Psychiatry. She worked as an adults and children psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Geneva. Dr. Nigolian is a Candidate in Swiss Psychoanalytical Association. She is conducting a private practice, medical consultant in Adults and Children-Adolescents Services of Psychiatry in Geneva. She was trained at Paris François Marty Institute of Psychosomatics and became a full member of it. Dr. Nigolian is an author of 15 Scientific Publications in Switzerland and Paris. Main subjects: psychoanalysis, adolescence, psychosomatics, trauma.

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Dr. Karine Lyulejyan, MD

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Karine Lyulejyan, MD is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist in Armenia and has almost 45 years of experience in the medical field with 40 years of specialization in mental health issues. For 20 years, she led Child Psychiatric Dispensary of the Republic of Armenia, later on served as a Chief Specialist of Child Psychiatry of the RA Ministry of Health. The knowledge gained in Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA; Emory University, Atlanta, USA; Le Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, Lion, France and through other studies, she implemented and institutionalized the best practices for identification, treatment and monitoring of the development disorders in Armenia on national level. She led awareness and capacity building of primary healthcare, especially pediatricians, child neurologists and nurses in Armenia’s regions. She is the key point of contact related to child psychiatry for the international funded projects such as WHO, UNICEF, Mission East, etc. She closely cooperates with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry Justice, and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. She is a member of Association of Child Psychiatrists and Psychologists of Armenia and a Board Member of Armenian Psychiatric Association. For the last 2 years, she introduced a hybrid model of patient diagnosis and treatment at “ArBeS” Health Care Center of Arabkir Medical Center.

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Dr. Khachatur Gasparyan, MD

Medical Psychology

Dr. Khachatur Gasparyan, MD is a medical psychologist currently serving as Chair of the Medical Psychology Department at the M. Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia. His post-doctoral training with Dr. Hoven was at Columbia University and he was involved with her nine-country study. His academic position since 2013 is related to the American University of Armenia /AUA/, where he teaches three courses as an adjunct lecturer: Introduction to Psychology, Human development and Personality and Clinical Psychology for Lower and Upper divisions of General Education. Since 2009 Dr. Khachatur Gasparyan’s is Director at the INTRA mental Health Centre.

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Dr. Louis Moushegh Najarian, MD

Child psychiatry

Dr. Louis Moushegh Najarian, MD teaches at Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell in New York and supervise child psychiatry fellows in their clinical work learning to treat children with various emotional disorders. He enjoys a private practice working primarily with children and adolescents but also treats adults. Dr. Najarian has worked in Armenia for the past 30 year, initially living in Gyumri for one year (1990-1991) on a USAID Grant to establish mental health clinics in Gyumri and Spitak. The goal was to provide training to local mental health professionals in western psychotherapeutic methods for traumatized children and families following the 1988 Spitak earthquake. During that year he participated in extensive clinical research on PTSD and published results in various psychiatric journals. In 2015, Dr. Najarian was a Fulbright Scholar at Yerevan State Medical University, where he lectured to various classes on mental health while continuing follow-up studies on traumatized individuals from the earthquake. While a Fulbright Scholar, he was a visiting lecturer on clinical psychology at American University of Armenia. In the US, Dr. Najarian participates in many community services lecturing in person and remotely to schools, professionals and non-professionals to cope with the trauma, enhance resilience following the 9/11 Twin Tower Attack and the Covid Pandemic.

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Dr. Manushak Yeritsyan, MD

Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

Dr. Manushak Yeritsyan, MD is a graduate of Yerevan State Medical Institute in internal medicine. She was a resident at the rheumatology department of the Research Institute of Physical Medicine and Balneology. Dr. Yeritsyan was trained in rehabilitation department of the Columbian Presbyterian hospital in New York. She is the Director of ArBeS Health Care Center in Yerevan, which is a reference children’s development and rehabilitation center in Armenia.

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Dr. Maruke Yeghiyan, MD, PhD, DMS


Dr. Maruke Yeghiyan, MD, PhD, DMS, is a psychiatrist who has an extensive experience in almost all areas of mental health. In addition to his daily clinical practice, Dr. Maruke is widely involved in teaching and research activities. Organizational skills allowed him to establish a number of successful projects and institutions in the field of psychiatry in Armenia, including Association of Child Psychiatrists and Psychologists (ACPP), a “Mental Health Outpatient Clinic”, “Independent Forensic Psychiatric Expertise of Armenia”. Dr. Maruke research works are published in a number of local and international peer reviewed journals.

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Dr. Nvard Ter-Voskanyan, MD

Developmental Pediatrics and Child Psychiatry

Dr. Nvard Ter-Voskanyan, MD is a developmental pediatrician and a child psychiatrist practicing in ArBeS Health Care Center in Yerevan. She passed her residency in Child Psychiatry at Avan Mental Health Center of Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU). Her internship in Pediatrics was carried out at Arabkir Medical Center after her medical education in General Medicine at the YSMU. Dr. Ter-Voskanyan has participating in exchange program of YSMU and Paris-East Créteil University of France in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She participated also in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia the Open Medical Institute (CHOP OMInar) course in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics & Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Austria. Her training in developmental pediatrics was at the Department of Developmental Pediatrics in Children`s University Hospital of Zurich in Switzerland. She is volunteering at the Missionaries of Charity-Bethlehem Orphanage as a developmental pediatrician and psychiatrist.

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Dr. Rita Soulahian Kuyumjian, MD


Dr. Rita Soulahian Kuyumjian is a McGill University trained clinical psychiatrist in Montreal, Canada. She worked at Saint Mary’s Hospital 1984-2022. Taught McGill Medical students and residents 1984-2022. She holds the title of Assistant Professor, McGill University Psychiatry Department. In 2001 she was awarded Honorary Doctorate degree, Yerevan State Medical University. In 2015 she was elected honorary member of Armenian Psychologists Association. She is a member of College of Doctors of Canada, Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec, Arm Med Ass of Quebec, Quebec Psychiatric Association. She was AGBU Montreal chapter board member and a chair-woman. She volunteered at Shields of Athena in Montreal and she volunteered at Vanatsayn radio program, Medical Projector. She coordinated and trained Armenian doctors at McGill psychiatry department 1992-1993. Publications include, an article, Impending Death as a Catalyst in Reconnection, Historical case Study of an Artist-Survivor, International Journal of Mental Health, vol.30,No.2, summer 2001, pp. 27-40. Also 5 published books. “Diary Notes of a Psychiatrist” documentation of the clinical work to Armenian earthquake survivors. Her second publication is psycho-biography of Komitas Vartabed, Archeology of Madness, Komitas, Portrait of an Armenian Icon. The book was published in English, translated to 4 languages. Turkish, Persian, Eastern Armenian and Rumanian by Bucharest Ararat publication. The third publications is “Trilogy-April 24, 1915”, dedicated to 95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It includes 2 biographies and 2 translations of Aram Andonian, and Teotig life and biography.

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Dr. Ruzanna E. Azatyan, MD

Medical Psychology and Sexology

Dr. Ruzanna E. Azatyan, MD, is a psychotherapist and sexologist at the Clinic of Sexology of the Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi. She is  the Executive Director of ”Sexual Health Protection” NGO as well as the Co-Lead of The Armenian Team in the International Survey about Reproductive health (I-SHARE) during COVID-19. After graduation from YSMU Dr. Azatyan passed her residency in psychotherapy and sexology at the NIH Armenia and postgraduate study in St- Petersburg Medical Academy at the Department of Clinical Sexology. Dr. Azatyan did her PhD on “Impact of Adverse Childhood Experience on Female Sexual Dysfunction”. She has a teaching experience in various projects related to forensic sexology in Armenia.

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Dr. Serge Sanchez, MD

Child Psychiatry

Dr. Serge Sanchez, MD is a child-psychiatrist, psychiatrist, FMH and SSPsa psychoanalyst. President of the Lausanne Psychoanalytic Centre. Practices privately in Montreux. He is mainly interested in primitive mental states in children, adolescents and adults. He holds seminars for post-graduate specialized training on children and adolescents and more particularly on primary depression of the infant and on baby observation according to Esther Bick's method. He has held seminars on the introduction to the work of Wilfred Bion and Melanie Klein and on autistic spectrum disorders.

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Dr. Siranush Hakobyan, MD

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. Siranush Hakobyan, MD is a child and adolescent psychiatrist with 33 years of experience. She has graduated from the Yerevan State Medical University. She has an experience in working at the psychiatric department of children and adolescents in Geneva University Hospitals for 3 years. Dr. Hakobyan is a candidate in the Swiss Society for Psychoanalysis (SGPsa) since 2019. Currently, she serve as a consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry in the Ministry of Health of Armenia and works at Arabkir Medical Center as a consulting doctor. Dr. Hakobyan participates in various programs targeted to improve mental health education in Artsakh.

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John Arden, PhD, ABPP


John Arden, PhD, ABPP author of 15 books has over 40 years of experience providing psychological services and directing mental health programs. He served as the Director of Training for the Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers, Northern California region. He has developed one of the largest mental health training programs in the United States. In this capacity he oversees more than 150 interns and postdoctoral psychology residents in 24 medical centers. Prior to this he served as the Chief Psychologist at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Vallejo, California. Dr. Arden's study of neuropsychology has inspired him to integrate neuroscience and psychotherapy, synthesizing the biological and psychological into a new vision for psychotherapy: Brain-Based Therapy. His work incorporates what is currently known about the brain and its capacities, including neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, with psychotherapy research, mindfulness, nutritional neuroscience and social intelligence. He conducts seminars on Brain-Based Therapy throughout the United States and abroad. He is the lead author (with Dr. Lloyd Linford) of two volumes for the practitioner entitled Brain-Based Therapy: Adults and Brain-Based Therapy: Children & Adolescents. His first book, Consciousness, Dreams, and Self, was awarded the 1997 Outstanding Academic Book Award by Choice, a publication of the American Library Association. An international panel of jurists nominated his second book: Science, Theology, and Consciousness, for the CTS award funded by the Templeton Foundation.

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Kamo Vardanyan


Kamo Vardanyan is a doctor of psychological sciences, professor, head of the Scientific Research Center, member of the board of the Armenian Psychiatric Association. Graduated from the Armenian State Pedagogical Institute named after K. Abovyan in Yerevan, the faculties of social professions and biology and chemistry, and then postgraduate studies, specializing in psychology. Works at Armenian State Pedagogical Institute, from 2006 to the present he teaches the subjects "Psychology of Suicidal Tendencies" and "Psychology of Destructive Tendencies" at post-graduation students of Yerevan State University. Was the Chairman of the State Examination Commission of Psychology, YSU, faculty of psychology. Kamo Vardanyan was lecturer for the training program for Diaspora teachers Scientific Research Center, 2010-to present Head of the Research Center at the Armenian State Pedagogical University. Has more than 90 scientific articles and publications.

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Lilit Karapetyan, PhD


Mrs. Lilit Karapetyan graduated from the Department of Psychology of Yerevan State University with Master Degree in 2022; awarded PhD in Psychology in 2019. Alumnus of Junior Faculty Development Program, US Department of State Exchange Program; Educational Leadership Program, Perkins International, USA: ADA Fellowship Program, US Department of State Exchange Program. She is a professor at the Armenian State Educational Program; professor at the Armenian State Pedagogical University, Shirak State University, Yerevan State University, Mkhitar Gosh Armenian-Russian International University. Psychologist at the Psychosocial Recovery Center, Founding -member at "Ambra" Mental Well-Being Center" NGO, Executive Director of the Armenian Psychiatric Association. Professional Interests: Child and Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Psychology.

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Pediatric Surgery, Public Health

Prof. Ara BABLOYAN, MD, PhD, is a public health expert in Armenia. He is the Chairman of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Yerevan State Medical University since 1997. Dr. Babloyan is the founder and the Scientific Director of ARABKIR Medical Center-Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, which is the largest pediatric multidisciplinary institution in the country. After graduation from the faculty of Pediatrics of Yerevan State Medical Institute he continued his postgraduate education in pediatric surgery in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he got his PhD degree. Thanks to continuous training in renal transplant in Belgium and Switzerland he founded the organ transplantation program in Armenia. He was the President of the National Assembly/Parliament of the Republic of Armenia after leaving the Chairman position of its Standing Committee on Health Care, Maternity and Childhood. He was the Minister of Health of Armenia from 1991 to1997. Prof. Babloyan has a long experience working with World Health Organization (WHO) being a member of the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe (WHO); a member of the Technical Steering Committee on Child and Adolescent Health (WHO) and a member of the WHO Executive Board. He is the author and co-author of 3 scientific discoveries, 8 monographs and over 235 publications.

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