+374 10 28 41 70 icpdarmenia@gmail.com


COVID Pandemic - Lessons Learnt Virtual Conference

In 2020 the most important health crisis for the World Health Organization (WHO) as well the priority on the agenda of ministries of health in every country is the COVID-19 pandemic. The rapid rate of spread of this infection has devastated the humanity as a whole and made significant changes in every life on earth. It is not more than 6 months since the WHO has declared the COVID-19 infection a pandemic, and we now see the true tragedy from the death toll that it has brought globally.

Unfortunately Armenia is not immune from this disaster, the rate of infection and death rate has been increasing dramatically especially from the end of May and well into month of June. The health care workers as well as authorities are in dire need for finding the effective defense mechanism against this infection. There are multiple studies under way and many different strategies have been suggested, however we still need scientifically proven methods to identify, control the spread, treat and prevent the infection as well as design strategies to attend the pre-pandemic health care issues.

This conference addresses thisglobal problem by discussing the experience gained through the period of pandemic worldwide,hence the name –“Lessons Learnt”. The goal is to scale the efforts and shift the course of action in finding the suitable ways to face current surge in infection as well as to address the correct way to return attention to other, usual and pre-pandemic health care matters.

Experts from across the world will be discussing related topics in 4 major categories, the epidemiology of COVID-19 including the comparison of defense strategies globally, clinical issues in general population, subspecialty topics in pregnancy and pediatric population with COVID, and finally the effect on health care industry, innovations, role of information technology and strategies to return to normal work in health care centers. The lectures will be followed by live Q&A sessions by moderators in a virtual format to address concerns from participants.

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